SIFC proposes comprehensive plans to expedite key projects

The Executive Committee of the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) has reviewed various projects, proposing comprehensive plans to accelerate progress on multiple fronts. 

The meeting was chaired by Minister for Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives Ahsan Iqbal on Tuesday.

The session, attended by high-level federal and provincial officials and stakeholders, focused on assessing progress across different sectors. Relevant ministries presented updates on key projects and policy-level actions within the SIFC’s mandate.

According to an official statement, the committee proposed detailed plans to expedite various matters and reviewed progress on initiatives aimed at developing comprehensive human resources to support crucial economic sectors.

The committee emphasised that human resource development is a fundamental pillar of SIFC’s socio-economic growth agenda. It also laid the groundwork for decisions required from senior leadership.

The review and planning session reflected SIFC’s commitment to fostering rapid and sustainable development through strategic projects and policy measures.

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