Pakistan rejects Modi’s ‘belligerent remarks’ as jingoism undermining peace

Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Baloch addressing the weekly briefing. — Facebook/Foreign Office
Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Baloch addressing the weekly briefing. — Facebook/Foreign Office 

Pakistan on Friday categorically rejected the “belligerent remarks” made by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, calling them “totally counter-productive” for resolution of long-standing disputes between the two countries.

Speaking at an event earlier today, Modi alleged that Pakistan was trying to stay relevant through “terrorism” and “proxy war” and added that such a strategy would never succeed.

Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch in a statement said that the Indian prime minister cannot divert the world’s attention from the brutalities being committed by Indian forces in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Dismissing the Modi’s remarks, the FO said: “Bravado and jingoism undermine regional peace, and are totally counter-productive for resolution of long-standing disputes between Pakistan and India, especially the core dispute of Jammu and Kashmir.”

“The Indian leaders’ rhetorical statements cannot deflect international attention from India’s heavy-handed approach to suppress the Kashmiri people’s just struggle for realisation of their fundamental rights and freedoms, particularly their inalienable right to self-determination,” the statement said.

Islamabad also called on New Delhi to “reflect on its own campaign of orchestrating targeted assassinations, subversion and terrorism in foreign territories” and asked the Modi-led regime to avoid maligning others for terrorism.

The FO spokesperson also warned India against any aggression, saying that Pakistan stood resolute in its intent and ability to safeguard its sovereignty, as exemplified by its robust response to India’s reckless incursion in February 2019.

However, Pakistan remains committed to promoting peace and stability in the region, according to the FO statement.

Indian-Pakistani relations have been largely frozen as the two countries downgraded their diplomatic ties in tit-for-tat moves in August 2019 after New Delhi scrapped IIOJK’s special status and split it into two federally administered territories.

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