“Heroes” reboot announced by original show creator Tim Kring

Renowned creator Tim Kring is reigniting his popular “Heroes” show with a new series, titled “Heroes: Eclipsed,” as reported by Deadline. 

Crafted by Kring himself, ‘Heroes: Eclipsed’ ventures into a future where newfound “evos” – beings known to possess ‘evolved’ abilities – awaken to discover new powers that will redefine their destinies. 

With a blend of both familiar and fresh new foes, the series places a new generation of heroes in the spotlight, tasked with safeguarding the future of humanity.

“Heroes: Eclipsed” is inspired from the premise of Kring’s 2015 series, “Heroes Reborn,” which was also set in the aftermath of the original, Emmy-nominated series. Now, with the upcoming reboot in the works, Kring aims to bring back the inaugural success of the original series. 

Executive produced by Kring and his manager Jordan Cerf of Mosaic, ‘Heroes: Eclipsed’ marks a collaborative effort between Universal Television and Universal Studio Group. 

Discussions are currently taking place around potential network homes, including NBC and streaming platforms.

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