The rainy season in Pakistan often brings with it a mix of relief from the heat and the risk of dangerous accidents. From flooding to electrocution, the hazards are numerous. Here are some essential precautions to ensure your safety during the rainy season.
Avoid flooded areas
Do: Stay indoors if possible. If you must go out, stick to higher ground and avoid flooded roads.
Don’t: Attempt to walk or drive through flooded streets, as they may hide open manholes and other hazards.
Electrical safety
Do: Unplug electrical appliances during heavy rain and storms. Use battery-powered devices instead.
Don’t: Touch electrical equipment or switches with wet hands, and avoid any downed power lines.
Driving precautions
Do: Drive slowly and keep your headlights on. Maintain a safe distance from other vehicles.
Don’t: Speed or drive through deep water, as this can cause your car to stall or hydroplane.
Stay informed
Do: Keep updated with weather forecasts and alerts from local authorities.
Don’t: Ignore warnings or advisories about severe weather conditions.
Home preparedness
Do: Ensure your home is well-maintained, with gutters and drains clear of debris. Have an emergency kit ready with essentials.
Don’t: Leave windows and doors open during a storm, which can allow water to enter your home.
Health precautions
Do: Boil drinking water and keep food covered to avoid contamination.
Don’t: Walk barefoot in the rain, as it increases the risk of infections and injuries.
Taking these simple yet effective precautions can significantly reduce the risk of fatal mishaps during the rainy season. Stay safe and prepared to enjoy the rain without the danger.