Pakistan records highest population growth rate globally

According to the latest digital population census report released by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, as of 2023, the total number of Afghans residing in Pakistan is 1,923,453.

Out of these, 939,878 are living in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, 310,832 in Punjab, and 145,875 in Sindh. Additionally, Balochistan hosts 474,812 Afghan residents, while Islamabad, the federal capital, accommodates 52,056 Afghan nationals.

The number of Chinese nationals stands at 356,800 and 26,900 Bengali residents, along with 172,158 foreigners from other nationalities.

The bureau noted that Pakistan has recorded the highest population growth rate in the region and globally, raising concerns about the population potentially doubling by 2050.

The country is home to 21,260,079 Afghan, Bengali, Chinese, and other foreign nationals, while approximately 8,700,000 Hindus, Christians, Ahmadis, and other religious minorities reside in the country.

The report also highlights that 25,370,700 children aged 5 to 16 years are currently out of school.

The Bureau of Statistics emphasized that the literacy rate in Pakistan has reached a record high since 2017, with 61% literacy overall, 68% among males, and 53% among females.

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